Thank you for signing up to be a Recipient this holiday season! Click the word ‘Recipients’ above to fill out a detailed questionnaire. Once you have filled out the questionnaire above, we will match you with a Secret Santa that will be the best fit for your needs. They will provide you with one gift per family member. We will provide your Secret Santa with your contact information, and they will deliver the gifts to you by December 18th, at the latest. Presents will arrive wrapped and Christmas-ready. Be aware that Secret Santas do not provide money of any kind, only presents. Please make your wishlists reasonable and not high-priced items. Please reference the ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)’ tabs at the top of the page if you have questions. If you still have questions/concerns, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected].
Thank you for your generosity! Click on ‘Secret Santas’ above to fill out a questionnaire. Once you have completed the form above, we will match you with a Recipient (individual or family). Recipient families are asked to provide a list of multiple gift options for each family member, but they are only expecting to receive one gift for each member of their family. Additional gifts are at your discretion. You will be expected to gift wrap the presents and then deliver them directly to the Recipient. Cutoff for delivery of presents is December 18th. Please keep this deadline in mind, especially if you order online. Please reference the ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)’ tabs at the top of the page if you have questions. If you still have questions/concerns, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected].